1- We have a parents meeting tonight after practice. Please plan on staying for an extra half hour to talk about the upcoming events.
2- DON'T FORGET we have weigh ins this sat. Aug 21st at Woodscross High School. We would like to do this as a team. Please meet at the southwest end of the school by the football field at 7:55 am so we can get organized and ready to weigh in at 800 am as a team. ALL BOYS MUST WEIGH IN OR THEY ARE NOT ALLOWED TO PLAY IN THE FIRST GAME OF THE SEASON.
3-With school starting next week we are allowed to only practice 3 nights a week. These are the nights and time we will be doing practice.
Monday 6-8
Wed 6-8
Thur 6-8
4- Sat. Aug. 28th from 9-noon is the first annual BRAVE-FAST fundraising breakfast. We are in charge of suppling 70lbs. of bacon for this event. If you can help please talk with Brande Aycock who is our team parent.