Friday, August 20, 2010

We have a few items of information to pass along.

1- We have a parents meeting tonight after practice. Please plan on staying for an extra half hour to talk about the upcoming events.

2- DON'T FORGET we have weigh ins this sat. Aug 21st at Woodscross High School. We would like to do this as a team. Please meet at the southwest end of the school by the football field at 7:55 am so we can get organized and ready to weigh in at 800 am as a team. ALL BOYS MUST WEIGH IN OR THEY ARE NOT ALLOWED TO PLAY IN THE FIRST GAME OF THE SEASON.

3-With school starting next week we are allowed to only practice 3 nights a week. These are the nights and time we will be doing practice.
Monday 6-8
Wed 6-8
Thur 6-8

4- Sat. Aug. 28th from 9-noon is the first annual BRAVE-FAST fundraising breakfast. We are in charge of suppling 70lbs. of bacon for this event. If you can help please talk with Brande Aycock who is our team parent.

Thanks for all your support.

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